PY24 HEDR Data Exports
Step 1: Prioritizing Providers
Focus your engagement on providers with the largest number of aligned lives.
Step 2: Engage Providers
Confirm which of your providers have been collecting demographic and/or SDoH data in their EHR
Confirm the provider is able to export this data out of the EHR as an Excel spreadsheet (.csv or .xls)
For SDoH specifically, confirm the provider has been using 1 of the 3 SDOH screeners accepted by CMS (no hybrid responses are allowed):
Accountable Health Community (AHC) assessment tool
North Carolina assessment tool
PRAPARE assessment tool
Step 3: Follow-up with Instructions
If the provider is collecting demographic and/or SDoH data using of the above screeners, ask the provider to export the data out of the EHR.
Please upload a .csv or .xls file to
Demographic - Requested Fields:
Patient ID (unique identifier assigned by EMR)
Patient Name (can be a single column or broken out as first, last, etc.)
Patient Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (Patient’s 11 character MBI)
Patient DOB
Preferred Language
Gender identity (optional)
Sexual orientation (optional)
SDoH - Requested Fields:
Patient ID (unique identifier assigned by EMR)
Patient Name (can be a single column or broken out as first, last, etc.)
Patient Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (Patient’s 11 character MBI)
Patient DOB
Date SDOH assessment completed
Assessment declined
AHC tool - 18 corresponding fields
North Carolina tool - 10 corresponding fields
PRAPARE tool - 25 corresponding fields
Step 4: Track Completion
See the Mabel Dashboard so you can track progress in real-time / follow-up with providers as needed. Also, continue to refer to the weekly Mabel Status Update for the most recent news and developments.