PY24 HEDR Data Exports

Step 1: Prioritizing Providers

Focus your engagement on providers with the largest number of aligned lives.

Step 2: Engage Providers

  • Confirm which of your providers have been collecting demographic and/or SDoH data in their EHR

  • Confirm the provider is able to export this data out of the EHR as an Excel spreadsheet (.csv or .xls)

  • For SDoH specifically, confirm the provider has been using 1 of the 3 SDOH screeners accepted by CMS (no hybrid responses are allowed):

    • Accountable Health Community (AHC) assessment tool

    • North Carolina assessment tool

    • PRAPARE assessment tool

Step 3: Follow-up with Instructions

If the provider is collecting demographic and/or SDoH data using of the above screeners, ask the provider to export the data out of the EHR.

Please upload a .csv or .xls file to

Demographic - Requested Fields:

Patient ID (unique identifier assigned by EMR)
Patient Name (can be a single column or broken out as first, last, etc.)
Patient Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (Patient’s 11 character MBI)
Patient DOB
Preferred Language
Gender identity (optional)
Sexual orientation (optional)

SDoH - Requested Fields:

Patient ID
(unique identifier assigned by EMR)
Patient Name (can be a single column or broken out as first, last, etc.)
Patient Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (Patient’s 11 character MBI)
Patient DOB
Date SDOH assessment completed
Assessment declined

AHC tool - 18 corresponding fields
North Carolina tool
- 10 corresponding fields
- 25 corresponding fields

Step 4: Track Completion

See the Mabel Dashboard so you can track progress in real-time / follow-up with providers as needed. Also, continue to refer to the weekly Mabel Status Update for the most recent news and developments.